Valts Alsbergs
Senior Account Manager
Tech Studio Manager
T: +49 89 – 480581 – 0211
Valts is proof that a click of a TV remote can affect one’s life trajectory. Growing up in Talsi, Latvia, Valts’ family had satellite television that happened to included German-language stations. When clicking through the channels, young Valts thought the German-language cartoons looked fun and returned to them every day. By the time foreign languages were offered in his school, he had a working knowledge of German and was eager to formally study it. He accelerated his progress in English the same way — by watching American and British media.
While earning his Bachelors of Arts in Translation and Interpreting at Ventspils University of Applied Sciences in Latvia, Valts studied for a semester at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz’s Faculty of Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies (FTSK) in Germersheim, Germany, on an Erasmus student exchange program scholarship. He then returned to FTSK to earn a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics, Cultural Studies, and Translation.
While writing his masters thesis, he gained technical experience working as a tools and resources support assistant at a translation agency. After earning his M.A., Valts worked as a freelance technical support provider at Leinhäuser. His knowledge and resourcefulness were quickly apparent and after only a few months, in 2017, he joined the agency as a junior account manager and member of the Tech Help and AudioVideo team.
“At Leinhäuser, we always strive to improve and speed-up processes. I’m proud to be part of the team that consistently advances our capabilities and offerings.”
Since 2020, Valts has focused on corporate communications and financial reporting, providing clients with translation and audiovisual services. Working across different media and programs, Valts has helped the agency accelerate processes, automate transcriptions, adopt new subtitling software, and expand the service portfolio offered to clients.
When not at the office, Valts enjoys reading Stephen King’s works in the original English and DIY repair projects around the house.