Content in digital media – We speak the language of the web! Whether it’s a multilingual web site, a banner or an app, we are familiar with all the special challenges involved in translating digital content. When it comes to digital media, it’s vital to deliver target-language content that can go live immediately. We provide you with texts that are perfectly suited to your requirements – from both a linguistic and a digital perspective.
Apart from choosing the appropriate tonality for the translation itself, this also involves complying with restrictions in text length and correctly localizing any country-specific elements. Ensuring that target content is accurately adapted for the target market is always important, but nowhere is this more crucial than in digital localization. Many visual, linguistic and technical elements of the original content need to be replaced with equivalents suitable for the local market. These may include things such as national flags, contact data and job vacancies. In addition to this, the target medium may contain special functions and animations that also need to be localized. In projects of this kind, there are strong cultural and regional components to the translator’s work on top of the linguistic challenges.
Text used in digital media has its own very special phraseology and structure. A translation that doesn’t fit into a banner or attract the necessary clicks is not fit for purpose, no matter how brilliant it is. Regional peculiarities in language use also need to be taken into account. Where digital content is concerned, a “correct” translation is not enough: the target text must employ the idioms that are ingrained in the native language of the target group. The same applies to translating content in apps – no other form of digital media uses idioms more frequently.
We are also familiar with the technical challenges of localizing text for countries using left-to-right scripts.