Birgit Albrecht-Klein
Financial Director
T: +49 89 – 480581 00
While Birgit may claim that her affinity for numbers was something she had to grow into, the walls in her office are adorned with a portrait of Scrooge McDuck. Careful branding or personal motivation? One thing’s for sure: Reducing our Head of Finance down to merely numbers and Excel sheets wouldn’t really do justice to the true role Birgit plays in the company. Her many years of corporate experience in managerial positions make her an asset to many areas of the business.
The scope of what she does ranges from quality management all the way to marketing.
But while she’s active in these various areas, she never tries to push her way into the spotlight. And good luck catching her stealthily sneaking pastries and treats into the office for the colleagues at Leinhäuser for Easter and Christmas – but, of course, we shouldn’t be revealing those office secrets.
Outside the office, Birgit can usually be found out in nature, whether in the untamed mountains or out on the manicured greens. Deep green is her favorite color, green like the Excel logo…