When times are tough, that’s when we grow. Only those who adapt to new circumstances are able to maintain their position on the market in the long term. This applies all the more in times of upheaval, like we are experiencing today. Leinhäuser has undergone many changes since it started out, always with growth in mind. We also have measures in effect in the current situation, thanks to which Leinhäuser can emerge from the crisis even stronger than before.
Language services during lockdown
The economic effects of the crisis made themselves apparent from day one. Different industries are experiencing them in different waves. While some are able to profit from the crisis, others have been plunged into difficulties – missing orders, disrupted supply chains, production shutdowns, insolvency. For some it’s everyday concerns, for others it’s a bitter reality. As a part of the value chain, the languages industry is also directly affected. There are various measures are in place in the industry.
Finding new paths
That’s why we’re rethinking. It’s important to find ways to remain agile in these times. These thoughts are nothing new for us. We are always reassessing our concepts and structures and working to optimize them in an appreciative way. Since last year, we have been preparing for another large structural change. The choppiness of the past few weeks has acted as a catalyst for us to put our new systems into operation as quickly as possible. Our new structure makes it even easier for us to react with extreme flexibility and fulfill the requests of our customers.
Fast and discreet – now, as before
As a language services provider, we have always acted in the background, quickly and with discretion. That’s our job – to remain invisible and to translate, write, edit and subtitle texts at a consistently high quality and without much fuss.
Urgent translations are required now more than ever, with extremely fast turnarounds and at all hours of the day. Even before the coronavirus, we were already offering our customers services outside of normal business hours. Now, we’ve thoroughly expanded this area of our service portfolio. We have a special mailing list to take care of orders outside of normal business hours.
Week after week, we have been translating our customers’ coronavirus communications with dedicated teams and the appropriate language resources for this new topic. We will keep these structures even after the crisis, and of course, we will remain available to our customers.
After the storm comes the calm
Even if new circumstances don’t find us unprepared and don’t pose operational challenges, sooner or later, we’ll feel the economic effects – just like everybody else. A period of uncertainty is dawning for a large portion of the global population. We still can’t foresee the extent of the slump in the economy or when it will recover again – though it certainly will.
When this happens, the demand for text will be all the greater. The economy will also emerge from these times changed and will need to adapt. It turns out that some structures that have emerged in recent years are indispensable today. More than ever before, public life takes place online and online platforms and shops are more and more in demand. In this crisis, no company can go without a good online presence.
In the digital world, text is essential
An online presence is like a digital display window. Those who cut corners on quality are harming themselves and their business. In an online world dominated by text, it has never been more important to find the right words. The demand for good text, and for the service providers who can deliver it, is on the rise – fast, professional and at the highest quality, suitable for the target audience and SEO-optimized, ideally with everything in several languages. These points will take on a greater and greater importance at Leinhäuser in future. Texts will be edited, refined, subtitled and created – completely according to our customers’ wishes.
When society and the economy recover and get back into the swing of things after a respite from the coronavirus, Leinhäuser will be there for you – like we’ve been there before. And we, too, have changed and reorganized, and are well prepared to meet the ever-increasing demands of our customers.